Memo Holder
maximizing your success
What is a FocusPAD? FocusPAD is a versatile and easy-to-use memo holder featuring adjustable tilt angle. It is a simple yet powerful tool that helps you stay focused on your high priorities so you can achieve your goals and be more successful. FocusPAD is an elegant addition to your office desk. It creates a focal point on your busy desk so your priorities or important notes can be seen instantly by simply turning your head. No more messy sticky notes on the edge of your computer monitor. To use FocusPAD, simply write down your high priority to-do items or your important notes on a standard index card and clip it on the FocusPAD, then place the FocusPAD on your desk within your visual field so you can see the note by turning your head. Adjust the viewing angle for your comfortable viewing. When you finish a task, grab a pen and cross out that item. Why is FocusPAD more effective? Some people may ask: I have an iPhone and I also use Microsoft Outlook to manage my tasks, why do I need a FocusPAD? Well, most people need more than 25 seconds to locate their to-do list in a smartphone or a computer if they know where they are, then they peek at it for a few seconds. Your mind is impatient and will be disrupted by this slow, inefficient process. A FocusPAD stays in your sight constantly and creates an instant visual stimulus, and is much more effective in engaging your subconscious mind and you internal guidance system to achieve your goals. FocusPAD can also be a handy tool in your kitchen, where it can be used as a recipe holder or a family message center. FocusPAD is a perfect gift for your family (dad, mom, husband or wife) and business (colleagues, management team, or business clients). It can be made unique and personal by adding a beautiful nameplate. To read more about FocusPAD, click here. |